I recently acquired some fresh vegetables from my friend's mother's garden. She sent me home with zucchinis and beets. The two seem like an unlikely pair, but I disagree. I searched through my kitchen and experimented with things and ultimately came up with this recipe. It tasted like heaven. :-)
-2 medium zucchinis (chopped to nickel-sized pieces)
-2 medium beets (chopped to nickel-sized pieces)
-1 tsp olive oil
-1 tsp minced garlic
-1/4 medium-sized red onion (chopped fine)
-2 tsp tomato paste
-1/2 cup water (1/4 may suffice)
-1/4 cup vegetable broth
-1 tsp balsamic vinegar
-1 1/2 tsp lemon juice
-1/4 cup chopped parsley
-1 tsp cinnamon
-1 tbs molasses
-1/4 cup garbanzo beans
-2 tsp corn starch (optional)
-1/2 cup bulgur wheat
-In a medium-sized pot, flash heat olive oil, garlic, onions (heat on high for 1 minute then turn down to 3/4)
-Add beets and 2 tbs water (more or less water may be needed)
-Cook mixture until beets soften a bit
-Add lemon juice, tomato paste, and balsamic vinegar and cook for a few minutes
-Add zucchini, parsley, vegetable broth
-Cook for approximately 10 minutes on 4/5
-Add more water if necessary (I added too much and had to put in corn starch later)
-Add garbanzo beans, cinnamon and molasses and cook for another 5 minutes
-If mixture is too soupy, add corn starch
-In a separate pot, cook up bulgur
-Serve mixture over bulgur
-Serves 2
-Calories (per serving): 333
Calories may be an overestimate. I'm not sure how much of each thing I put in so I just overestimated. I also didn't have the patience to calculate all of the other health info. My apologies. This meal is so delicious. It has a perfect mix of sweet and hearty. Beets and zucchini really do go together! Don't like one or both, try your own veggies. Add in more! Test different spices. Put it over rice or cous cous instead. Whatever you like, do it! Let me know if you try it!