The pumpkin list just keeps rolling. I have now ventured into the soup realm. This is a simple yet delicious and hearty soup that is sure to be filling without being too heavy. It's also really basic, so you can add to it whatever you'd like! I recommend experimenting with spices and other veggies.
-4 cups of water
-2 cups pumpkin puree
-1 can kidney beans
-1 large chopped bell pepper (orange, yellow, or red)
-1 small onion chopped
-1 can diced tomatoes (I used Trader Joe's fire roasted)
-3 chopped and semi-seeded poblano chili peppers (2 small red, one larger green...put some seeds in soup)
-Combine in pot and boil
-Simmer for 35-40 minutes
You can serve this with barley, rice, bulgur, etc. in it to make it thicker. It tastes great like this, but again, it's a basic recipe that can be tweaked to your delight! I also recommend sprinkling Parmesan cheese over the top. :-)