This is a continuation of my posts about food I served at my New Year's party. I didn't get to serve this one, but I did prepare it and have been enjoying it ever since! It's a delicious carrot dessert from It's a traditional Turkish recipe that is super simple and super delicious. It has a lot of sugar, so I can't vouch for it being completely healthy, but it does have carrots and walnuts!
-2 cups shredded carrots
-1 cup granulated sugar
-1/2 cup chopped walnuts
-2 tsp cinnamon
-1 tsp vanilla extract
-1/4-1/2 cup unsweetened coconut (to coat carrot mixture)
-In a saucepan on medium heat, combine sugar and carrots
-Mix until a thickened texture is reached
-According to several recipes, this texture means sticks to one finger when rolled between two
-You may need to add water (but not too soon!- you might not need it at all!)
-Add in cinnamon and vanilla and stir through
-Add walnuts and stir through
-Flatten mixture out on a piece of parchment paper (1 inch thick)
-Wrap in parchment paper and place in fridge for a few hours
-Remove from fridge and paper and cut into pieces
-Toss pieces in shredded coconut
Nutrition (18 pieces): 85.7 calories each
I love this! It's such a yummy treat. I know I usually post healthy things, but I was intrigued by how easy this looked. I made the mistake of putting in water while the carrots and sugar were heating. Thus, my mixture didn't solidify right in the fridge. I put it in the freezer and coated it with coconut and it's still in there. I snack on it periodically. I'll let you know next time I try it if it works better!
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